International Legal Assistance for Civil Matters

Department for International Legal Assistance in Civil Matters performs tasks related to:
- complying with a request of domestic and foreign courts and other national and international authorities competent state;
- Cooperation with relevant international and local judicial and other authorities in civil matters;
- normative, information, analytic study and administrative tasks related to the creation and application of internal regulations in the field of MLA in civil matters;
- international conflict of laws rules in this area;
- the application and giving notification of the reciprocity;
- the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in civil matters;
- actions in cases of international child abduction;
- regulatory notices in civil matters;
- providing opinions and other judicial authorities regarding the validity and the application of international treaties and to certain arrangements of international private law;
- compiling information and reports in the field of international legal assistance in civil matters;
- the performance of work tasks in connection with the preparation and conclusion of international agreements of mutual legal assistance in civil matters;
- performing work operations in connection with the preparation of international bilateral contracts and under international multilateral agreements and its application in the field of civil law;
- drafting of national legislation in these areas and other activities within the scope of the Department.